New Resident Service Request Form: If you are a new resident to Arabian Acres Metropolitan District and would like to request water service, please follow the instructions on the online form below.
*If you are the owner of a rental property in the District or a tenant, please read the Tenant / Owner Letter below.
How to Pay Your Bill:
- Mail a check to:
- Arabian Acres Metropolitan District
- PO Box 1479
- Colorado Springs, CO 80901
- Pay over the Phone - call during regular business hours 719-900-5824
- There is a 2.7% processing fee
- Sign up for Auto-Draft Payments (no fees)
- There is NO fee
- Click here to fill out the online authorization form for auto-draft payments:
- Pay Online (there is a service fee)
- There is a 2.7% processing fee
- Drop off your payment at WSDM District Managers Office:
- 614 N Tejon St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Billing Questions? For billing questions, please call WSDM District Managers at 719-900-5824.
District Fees
Resolution Regarding the Imposition of Fees, Rates, Penalties, and Charges (July 2022)
Arabian Acres Metropolitan District Fees as of July 20, 2022:
Monthly Water Usage Fees:
0- 3,500– $15.00/ K gal.
3,501 – 5,000 gallons – $25.00/ K gal.
5,000 < gallons – $50.00/ K gal.
Water Service Fee:
SF ¾” - $60.00/ Month
CM ¾” - $60.00/ month
CM 1” - $150.00/ month
Capital Improvement Fee:
SF ¾” - $45.00/ Month as of January 1, 2025
CM ¾” - $65.00/ month
CM 1” - $250.00/ month
Late Fee: $15.00/ month
Bad Check Fee: $45.00/ incident
Meter Turn on/ off Fee: $50.00/ each (after 1 free customer req.)
Disconnection of Service: $150.00
Posting Fee associated with Disconnection of Service: $50/posting
Trip and Administrative Fee associated with Disconnection of Service: $100
Tampering Fee/ Unauthorized Use: Up to $10,000
Customer Requested Meter Read: $50.00
Meter Testing/ Certification Fee: $350.00
Account Transfer Fee: $250.00
Tap Fee: $8,000/ SFE
*The Trip and Administrative Fee associated with the disconnection, or potential disconnection, of water service will be imposed regardless of whether service is actually disconnected, and regardless of whether a trip is actually commenced or completed and is in addition to all other fees, rates, tolls, and charges, associated with the disconnection of service.
Tap Fees and Cisterns Information
Tap Fees: If you are a new or current property owner of the district and would like to look into the possibility of tapping into the district water system, please contact our ORC and Board President. They can send you the appropriate forms along with looking at the location of your property in relation to our closest line to determine if tapping into our system is feasible. Our current tap fee is $8,000.
Please note that no connections are made after October 15th of each year per our ORC due to weather.
Cisterns: Properties connected to the District's water system must receive prior approval of the District before connecting a cistern to the building's plumbing. Prior to the District granting approval of any cistern installation and use, the District must receive a letter from a licensed plumber in the State of Colorado, certifying the installation does not create a cross-connection or backflow situation. Failure to obtain district approval prior to installation of a cistern shall be considered an unauthorized connection subject to application fees, fines, and penalties imposed by the district and may be grounds for the district to turn off service, remove the meter and terminate the tap for the health, safety, and welfare of the district's customers. If a cistern is approved for connection to the building's plumbing, the owner shall submit a backflow prevention device test report to the district manager on or before July 31st of each year thereafter. The backflow test shall be performed by an individual licensed to perform such testing in the state of Colorado.